ERL’s Briefing on 2019-nCoV Precautionary Measures

Air Travellers And Commuters Urged To Continue Using Public Transport

Kuala Lumpur, 7th February 2020 – Express Rail Link (ERL) organised a briefing session for the media today on the precautionary measures that it has taken to ensure the medical safety of its passengers and staff due to the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The aim is to instil confidence in the public and encourage them to continue using public transport.

The briefing was given by Thomas Baake, Chief Executive Officer of ERL Maintenance Support Sdn Bhd, which is ERL’s operations and maintenance subsidiary. “Even before the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), ERL has been practicing a strict regimen of cleaning with high standards of hygiene. During this period of heightened precautions, we are tripling the frequency of cleaning of high contact areas at stations. Besides that, stronger disinfectants will be used by our cleaners,” said Baake.

He added: “As advised by our Minister of Transport, we all need to play our part in preventing the spread of 2019-nCoV. Our precautionary measures are also guided by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. We are doing everything possible to assure the public that taking public transportation is safe.”

The briefing focused on ERL’s five (5) key areas, namely, Passengers, Staff, Trains, Stations and Awareness. It was followed by a live demonstration of the actual cleaning and sanitising work being carried out at stations throughout the day and onboard the trains every night at the depot. ERL would like to advise its passengers to protect themselves and others by following the health guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus. Passengers are advised to practise cough and sneezing etiquette, bring their own face mask and wash their hands regularly or use hand sanitiser.

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